UCI 國際總會會長 Pat McQuaid 對於阿姆斯壯事件聲明



近日阿姆斯壯禁藥事件在自由車界引發軒然大波, UCI 國際總會會長 Pat McQuaid 於11月7日發表聲明信給各國協會。


信中除宣布UCI將組成「獨立委員會」重新調查阿姆斯壯時代的相關比賽資料,更不斷的強調UCI總會反興奮劑行動的決心;Pat McQuaid並且呼籲喜好自由車運動的各界人士,希望眾人可以給予支持鼓勵,共同塑造公平公正的比賽文化,一起共創自由車未來榮景。





Dear Presidents,


This has been an extremely dif ficult few weeks for the UCI, for everyone involved in the sport of cycling, and in particular for yo u, the national federations. I am very aware hat you have faced considerable pressure and many uncomfortable questions since the release of th e USADA dossier.


On behalf of myself, the Management Committee and the staff of the UCI and tho se who work hard for cycling all around the world, I w ould first like to send my sincere thanks to everyone who has been in touch to express their support. It has meant a lot to me and to the 100 colleagu es working in Aigle. I will respond in the coming days to all your messages individually.


I would also like to take this op portunity to update you on the latest developme nts and decisions we have taken in response to this crisis in our sport.


The UCI has listened to the world’s reaction to the Lance Armstrong affair and it has taken – and will continue to take – decisive steps in response to the concerns raised.


The UCI has always been a pioneer in the fight against doping. We pride ourselv es on the fact that we were the first sport to introduce a whole range of scientific measures as tool s in this fight. These include the haematocrit test, the EPO tests, the homologous blood transfusio n test and the blood passport.


Nevertheless, when we read in t he USADA dossier that Lance Armstrong and ot hers were able to use doping throughout their careers, we have to admit that the tests provided by the scientific community were simply not adequate to com bat the problem.





Enormous progress has been m ade in the fight against doping, but to make s ure that the UCI and cycling can move forward wit h the confidence of all parties, we are now establishing a fully Independent Commission to look into the findings of the USADA report and make recommendations to enable the UCI to restore confide nce in the sport of cycling.


I am happy to inform you that John Coates, the President of the International Co uncil of Arbitration for Sport (ICAS), has agreed to r ecommend the composition and membership of the Independent Commission. He does so as the head of an independent and neutral judicial orga nisation that was not involved in any way with dope testing in the period 1997-2005.


The UCI will follow all Mr. Coa tes’s recommendations. The Commission will herefore have three members: the first (and its Cha ir) will be a respected senior lawyer; the second will be a forensic accountant, who will be recom mended by the Chair; and the third will be an experienced sports administrator. All three members will be independent of cycling.


Mr. Coates has recommended a number of senior legal figures for Chair, as well as providing names for the sports administrator member. The UCI has already begun contacting the people Mr. Coates has nominated to establish their availability. The names of the panel members will be announced as soon as the Commission is convened.


When appointed, the members of the Independent Commission alone will decide its final terms of reference.


The UCI has no fears from an Independent Commission conducting a complete review of all its activities during the Armstrong era – nor do we have any fears concerning the allegations contained in the USADA report. We will cooperate fully with the Commission, giving them every access they may require, so that they can have a complete understanding of how UCI acted during that period.


The UCI has made a commitment that the Commission’s final report and recommendations will be published no later than 1 June 2013 – and you can be confident that the UCI will take whatever actions are deemed necessary to put cycling back on track. We are confident that the Commission will conclude that the UCI has been one of the strongest of all sporting federations in fighting doping in sport for many years.


Since I became UCI President in 2005, the fight against doping has been my top priority. As I have said many times, this is a culture which has existed in our sport for decades. To banish doping from cycling, we have to change that culture. Testing on its own cannot ensure a clean sport but, with the introduction of the Athlete Passport, mandatory whereabouts information and a big increase in out-of-competition testing, we are in a far better position today than ever before.


We must all work to keep improving the culture in cycling through education, prevention and by being more selective when recruiting the entourage of the riders. We must continue the change from a culture of doping to a culture of anti-doping.





That work has already started with UCI’s considerable investment in education and implementation of the True Champion or Cheat program, the “no needle policy”, the ethical evaluation as part of teams’ registration and the modules in the Sports Directors training programme. These are all measures to achieve the necessary changes in the culture of our sport. You will have seen in recent media reports that Philippe Gilbert, Mark Cavendish and Bradley Wiggins have been strong voices in telling the world that today’s cycling is cleaner than ever before.


However, we need to do more to ensure that the UCI is as accessible as possible to those who wish to discuss issues or concerns relating to doping. That is why, during the coming weeks, the UCI will look at establishing a new open line between us – a confidential “hotline”. I know that it will take some time to build trust and confidence in this new line of communication, but I am confident that, with the best intentions from both sides, we can build that trust. And by doing so, we will accelerate the change in culture that we need in our sport.





Finally, while the Independent Commission carries out its work, I feel it is also important that UCI works on restoring the credibility of our sport. I have decided that, during the first quarter of 2013, the UCI will set in motion a wide-ranging consultation exercise involving all cycling’s stakeholders to tackle issues of concern within the sport and work together to build a bright future for cycling.


The UCI will welcome your participation in this consultation, which will also look at how we can continue the process of globalising the sport, encourage wider participation and take measures to make the sport even more interesting for spectators.


This is not the first time cycling has reached a crossroads. Nor is it the first time it has had to engage in the painful process of confronting its past and beginning afresh. It will do so again with renewed vigour. Its stakeholders and fans can be assured that cycling will find a new path forward.


We must all work together to recover from the damage which this affair has undoubtedly done to our sport, the sport we love and cherish. This is not the time to apportion blame, but to work together.


This summer in London, we saw that cycling is one of the world’s most popular sports. Its future will be defined by the current generation of riders, who have proved that they can compete and win clean. In December, I will be meeting all first and second division teams to address the issues which will ensure a clean, anti-doping culture going forward.


Together, we can maintain cycling’s popularity and ensure its bright future.


Yours faithfully,











Pat McQuaid

President, UCI


致 各會長:








UCI一直在聽取各界對Lance Armstrong事件的回應,並且果斷的決定要正面回應這些逐漸高升的疑慮,並會持續努力下去。










我很開心能在此通知各位,國際體育仲裁委員會(ICAS)的會長John Coates已經同意幫忙提倡獨立委員會的組成和成員推薦。他在1997-2005年間也同樣擔任藥檢獨立和中立司法機構的負責人。


UCI會遵從Mr. Coates的所有建議,因此該委員會將有三個成員:第一個(也是該委員會主席)是備受尊重的資深律師、二是由主席推薦,經過法律認證的會計師、第三則是有經驗的運動管理者。這三位成員都必須獨立於自由車運動。

Mr. Coates已經推薦了幾位資深法律人做為主席候選人,也提供了幾個運動管理人的名單,UCI已經開始連絡這些由Mr. Coates提名而符合資格的人選。委員名單將會在委員會召開之後公布。














UCI已經開始投入大量精力在實施和教育「真冠軍或作弊者」計畫(True Champion or Cheat)、「無針計畫(no needle policy)」,以及將道德列入車隊註冊時的評估項目,並將這些模組放入運動總監(Sports Directors)的訓練課程。要成功改變自由車運動的舊有文化,以上的措施都是必須的。你們會在近期的媒體報導中發現,Philippe Gilbert, Mark Cavendish和Bradley Wiggins 都強力聲援,當今的自由車比賽是歷史上最公平公正的一段。




















UCI會長  Pat McQuaid














































探索更多來自 中華民國自由車協會 Chinese Taipei Cycling Association 的內容


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